Saturday 27 August 2016



The 8 steps to success

The eight basic steps to success:
  1. Learn how to save
  2. Spend wisely
  3. Be friendly
  4. Read good books/materials
  5. Move away from bad friends/ company
  6. Do evil to no man
  7. Work hard
  8. Pray

Friday 26 August 2016

21 ways to find out if you're his side chick

Hello ladies...
If your boyfriend possess some or all of these characters, there's a high possibility that you're just his side chick
  1. He doesn't give you much attention
  2. He doesn't introduce you to everyone around him
  3. He doesn't make out time to see you, he only sees you in his spare time
  4. You find him going to different places without telling you
  5. He doesn't invite you to his or his family gatherings ir special occasions and events. He only gives you excuses on why you can't and shouldn't go as well as why you were not informed or invited
  6. He doesn't just call you for no reason
  7. The spends lesser time with you than any other person
  8. In most cases, he's always in a hurry when he's with you
  9. He usually forgets important and notable events about you and your relationship. May be your birthday, anniversary etc
  10. He usually disappoints you and end up giving excuses. 
  11. He usually forgets or get late for your date
  12. He's less interested in knowing  and meeting your family, friends and others related to you
  13. He hardly or doesn't get jealous when he sees you with other guys
  14. He doesn't call regularly to check up on you
  15. Whenever he calls you, he's always in a hurry to end the call
  16. He often complains or even scold you for calling him too much
  17. He doesn't like or allow you go to his house unexpectedly
  18. He doesn't tell you much about his personal life and activities as well as his family
  19. You know few or none of his family relatives
  20. You guys could spend days without communicating
  21. He doesn't give you free access to his phone and belongings.

Cancer caused by overweight

Do you know that being overweight can lead to cancer?
On Wednesday, international reporters said being overweight can be linked to the likelihood of someone being diagnosed with cancer, which include cancer of the stomach, digestive tract and certain brain and reproductive tumors. Eight other kinds of cancer have been added to the list of cancers known to be caused by overweight.
Various kinds of cancer affecting the colon, breast, oesophagus, kidney and uterine has been stated to be some consequences of accumulating ecxess fat, as well as unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking.

Researchers stated that limiting weight gain can help reduce the risk of such cancer, as about nine percent of women in North America had cancer resulting from ecxess weight gain.

Cancer arises with no explanation and some of the causes include virus, pollutants, genetic factors and radiation.

However, adopting a healthy lifestyle such as eating a healthy diet, maintaining your weight, exercising and not smoking can have a significant impact on reducing cancer.

Student killed his girlfriend and claimed its for the fun of it

One 22-year-old National Diploma (ND) student of Rugus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State whose name is Oweniwe Chukwudi killed his girlfriend in a bush after making love to her.

He tricked her to a place which is about 10 to 15kilometres away from their school. After performing the act he left her there thinking she was dead, only to come back the next day with another person to carry out the ritual to see her still alive.
Pretending to help her, he took her to a corner close to a filling station where he strangled her. Realising she didn't still die, he then smashed her head with a stone until she finally died.

When he was being interrogated, he agreed to have killed her but denied killing her for ritual purpose. He said he killed her the fun of it. He went on to say he felt bitter after committing the act and wept bitterly.

Him and his girlfriend (Adeyeye Nifem) were both 300 level Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) department students.

His patients who are cassava farmers in the state said he was pushed by the devil.

Ondo state police commissioner, Hilda Harrison said the suspect will be charged to cult after the conclusion of investigation.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Man found gold nugget about 12 inches below the ground

A prospector found a 45-ounce gold just recently In Victoria, Australia. So shocking and amazing for gold to be found in this era.

The gold is said to be worth over A$250,00 ($190,710) when it goes to auction.

The anonymous prospector said he hid the gold in his cupboard the night it was found but now its been kept safe in a bank.

Trafficking of Nigerian ladies for prostitution

According to the United Nations Organisation for migration, the increase in trafficking of Nigeria ladies to European countries for prostitution is at crises level.

It was estimated that for the period of six months, from January to June 2016, up to 3,600 ladies were being taken to Europe for prostitution either individually or with the consent of their families, where they'll be sold for about £4,000 to £10,000 and will be left with a debt to pay which they will have to work for through prostitution.
Their main areas of destination is manly Britain, Spain and especially Italy.

Easiest way to loose belly and whole body fat without much stress and

You want to burn thay annoying fat but thinks it too stressful or do not have enough time for bulky routines, see the easiest way to do that without much time dedication and stress.

Eating habit:
  1. Drink enough water after waking up in the morning to flush the body system.
  2. Avoid eating fatty, oily and fried food
  3. Avoid eating junk
  4. When eating, chew slowly to enable the brain calculate the amount of food needed by the body, thereby preventing you from eating excess food
  5. Do not skip meals, ensure you take healthy and nutricious breakfast, launch and dinner
  6. Do not eat night food. Ensure you take your dinner before or at least 7:00pm to prevent fat accumulation during the night
  7. Avoid eating sweet and sugary substances like candy, chocolate, ice cream etc
  8. Avoid taking minerals, soda, juice and other sugary and canned drinks. Drink only water instead
  9. Eat protein rich food 
  10. Eat lots of vegetables and add to meal
  11. Eat fruits on regular basis. Can be used as a whole meal
  12. Avoid taking alcoholic drinks
Daily activities:
  1. Do aerobic exercises
  2. Do sit ups, squats, jog and other exercises in the morning (can substitute jogging with skipping)
  3. Develop the habit of trecking instead of entering vehicles. You can stop few blocks away from your office or school and walk the rest part
  4. Keep yourself busy doing chores and running errands
  5. Dance. It's a good way to put your body to work, just dance once in a while
  6. Sleep for at about 8 hours every night

  1. Do not over stress yourself, rest once in a while
  2. Do not deprive yourself of food. Eat when you're hungry
  3. Eating with small plates can help reduce the amount of food you eat
  4. Start with simple exercises before complex ones, else you could get tired on time and easily
  5. Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day
  6. Avoid thinking about food all the time, it triggers the body to want food even when you are not hungry or just ate.
Doing these for a month or less, you will find improvement on your body, and with time your body will get used to the routine.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

See the 6 characters among friends/clique

Every group of friends or clique is made up of:

  1. The quiet and calm one: the most calm person among the group, talks less, looks shy and in most cases is being teased by the rest of them. 
  2. The crazy one: the freaky one who always bring up outing ideas and has good charisma. Likes moving about and is very up to date on social network. Funny, loves teasing people, fun to be with and moves with others freely. 
  3. The prim and proper one: could also be referred as the eye/face of the group, very good looking, has good sense and taste in fashion and cares alot about how he/she looks. Usually have high self esteem, seems to be in control of the group's activities in most cases and is  like the top of the crew.
  4. The trouble maker: fund of falling into and creating trouble in and out of the group and usually have his/her friends help in solving the issue.
  5. The collector: can also be referred to as 'borrow borrow'. Fund of borrowing and using others stuffs (perfume, shoe, makeup etc).
  6. The angry one: always get angry and offended over every little thing, may be the teasing or jokes they say about him/her. Can't tolerate others.

Which of these characters does your clique possess and which one do you belong to?

Funke Akindele's wedding

As reported earlier today, there is a high possibility that Funke Akindele and her man Abdulrasheed Bello commonly known as JJC skillz had a private wedding in London.

Proof was gotten from Tamara JJC's daughter snapchat account where she posted photos and videos oc their wedding car and Funke's gorgeous attaire and looks.

Monalisa shares bridal shower photos

Beautiful Monalisa Chinda, a Nigerian actress, movie producer and TV personality shared pictures of her burlesque themed bridal shower, as she gets prepared for her white wedding after her traditional marriage which took place in February to Victor Tonye Coker.

84 LASU students sanctioned for indecent dressing

84 students in Lagos State University (LASU) were given warning letters by the school authorities for indecent dressing. The students were from different departments and levels. It resulted to the disqualification of a student unio contestant.

The students were being sanctioned for flouting the dress code of the institution.
The breakdown revealed that 8 of the students are in their final year, 3 in 300 level, 20 in 200 level and 43 in 400 level.

The students have however been pardoned by the University authority and were warned to desist from indecent dressing else will face disciplinary action.

However, Yusuf Omotola a 300 level economic education student who was a presidential candidate was disqualified by the students' affairs division.

Cancer patient beaten to death

Shannel Vincel a 40-year-old cancer patient travelled to Zion, Illinion on monday for medical care.
In the hospital premises, she and another patient was sitting outside waiting for the hospital shuttle to pick them up. But while waiting, according to the station, a male suspect approached her and started hitting her with a blunt object.

According to her family, she was not robbed  by the suspect during the incidence and she thought she was safe as she was still on hospital ground.
The incidence took place around 9:00p.m and she is scheduled to be buried in St. Louis on Tuesday.

Fire explosion at filling station premises

Fire explosion opposite Oando filling station in upper mission, Benin City caused a huge loss to lives and properties.
    Yesterday, a fuel tanker, while trying to cut corners to a path, fell down at Upper Mission road close to Oando filling station in Benin City, which caused a heavy leak of fuel (PMS) from the tank.
   This morning as individuals were busy fetching fuel from the scene, vehicles were being controlled to follow a path to prevent them from passing through the area affected (covered with fuel).
Meanwhile a taxi driver out of impatience, left the path he was supposed to follow and passss through the road with fuel deposit.
    Unfortunately, as he was driving through his car exhaust scratched the road floor (coal tar) covered with fuel  and immediately caused a huge fire explosion. 

The fire covered houses, stores and other buildings in the area causing threat and huge damage to lives and properties.

No news has been heard on the estimated property and lives at stake

Man chained 28 people in his house

Police raided a man's house and found that he had 28 people chained inside, comprising 13 adults and 15 children, with shallow graves in his compound.

When the man was being interrogated by the police, he said he is an herbalist and the people chained inside the house were his patients who were all having mental disorder.
But contradicting to what he said, one of them was found having cancer.
He also said the graves in the compound are for burying the ones that died during treatment with the consent of their families.
As the area was swampy, the man allegedly buried some in the swamp and about three others in his house.

The cancer patient is currently undergoing treatment for the sores sustained in her legs where she was chained while the others were taken to a rehabilitation centre in Lagos.

However, it was assured that the police will get to the root of the matrer.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Rapper arrested for allegedly insulting Islam

A 33-year-old Malaysian Chinese rapper, filmmaker and movie star, Wee Meng Chee, widely known as Namewee was detained in Malaysia on blasphemy charges for allegedly insulting Islam in his new music titled 'oh my God' released in July.
The rapper was arrested in Kaula Lampur airport while returning from the overseas according to the Bernama agency
In the music, the word 'Allah' and the sound of the Isamic call to prayer was used and the video featured 3 other rappers in Mandarin in front of different places of worship, calling the name 'Allah'.
Islam activists, on see the video got angered and reported to the police that the video was rude and disrespectful to Islam but to defend himself, he claimed that the song was to promote religious unity.
He was granted with a jail term of up to 2 years or to pay a fine, or both.

8 causes of students poor performance in higher institutions

Reasons why students in higher institutions do not perform well and as expected could be:
  1. They don't know the best way and method of reading that suits them
  2. They involve themselves in too much extra curricular activities in school
  3. They loose focus and interest in education along the line
  4. If they were not given their first choice course of study in the institution
  5. Environment, distance and location were they stayed during the schooling session or period
  6. If they don't have passion and interest in the course they're studying but just applied for it anyway
  7. If they don't get motivated and challanged to work at from time to time
  8. If they are too business oriented (engaged in too much business) while in school

Lol ??

Where will you rather defecate when you have a running stomach and you're very far from your home:
1. Your ex's house
2. Your chrush's house
3. Someone's backyard
4. Bush
5. A public toilet (that is very dirty)

Woman murdered by her gate man for argument over his salary

According to a report on Vanguard news this morning, a 50-year-old woman in Victoria Garden City was reportedly murdered by her gate man for not accepting to increase his salary from N20,000 to N30,000 in Lagos.
The body of the deceased was found yesterday in her about N300 million worth apartment by her church members who went to check on her as she was absent in church and her line was not going through as well.
According to some gate men in the area, the said gate man has since boasted of how he will give an indelible mark to his madam for refusing to increase his salary.
According to another person who spoke to the press, he said they were not aware of the incidence which took place since on friday until yesterday when her church members came visiting.

Monday 22 August 2016

2 years old boy attacked by an alligator

The father Matt Grave told the authorities that his son, while playing close to the water edge at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort, an alligator came out of the water and attacked him.
The father who tried to rescue the child from the alligator's mouth didn't succeed as the alligator took the child into the water.
The body of the child was found the following day by a patrol in a large man-made  lagoon.
six alligators were later captured from the area but it was not certain if the one that killed the child is among them.

Rihanna confirmed her new single

Rihanna confirms her next single is 'Love on the brain'.

9 safety rules in clubbing

Club safety:

1. Avoid drinking too much alcohol inorder for you not to get drunk. You don't what could happen... you may get robbed or even worse.
2. Avoid leaving your drinks or food with unknown people when you know you'll still eat/drink it. If at all you do, ensure you don't eat/drink it anymore. You don't know, it may have been poisoned or mixed with other substances.
3. If its a night party, ensure you have a place to sleep booked down or reserved that is safe and not far from the party venue
4. Make sure you have your transport fair or any other means of transportation back home available
5. Take enough money with you even though you have someone willing to sponsor your spending. You don't know what may happen at the party
6. No matter what, make sure your phone battery is charged, available and make sure you have enough credit on your phone
7. Apologise to anybody you offend at the party, you don't know who he/she may be
8. Attend a party (especially night parties) with only the ones you trust
9. Especially for the ladies, please do not leave a party venue with someone you do not know/just met there. No matter how nice or sugar coated he may seem, he could just be a devil in disguise.

Lol... See the 10 kinds of people you find in an examination hall

1. The restless ones. They have roaming eyes even more than the invigilator. U see them busy turning and playing with their booklet and pen, then moving about in their seats like its itching them.
2. The group that turns the exam hall into a bed room. You see them sleeping in the middle of an exam (as if they didn't sleep at home)
3. The set of people that leaves the hall with the invigilator. They are always the last to leave the hall and sometimes you see them running or rather chasing and begging the invigilator to collect their answer sheet.
4. The ones who are always the first to submit their answer sheet. Sometimes you begin to wonder if they have super examination powers or if they were given a different question.
5. The ones who turns the examination hall into a discussion class. Honestly speaking, it is really painful not to be among this group
6. The set of people who are always suspects to the invigilator. They are always being monitored and search before and during the examination.
7. The exam 'deaf & dumb'. They will talk to you before and after an examination but quiet all through the examination. They do not tell or ask anybody any question in the hall. Always hated by their seat mates.
8. The questioners. These ones will ask you questions from the beginning to the end of the paper. And funny enough they don't get caught by the invigilator only the person answering them. Dnt blame them, its their specialty
9. The distributor. Oh... everybody's friend. Distributes answers to every and anybody, and no one cares if its correct or not as long as it rhymes
10. The frustrated and broken hearted. You see them motionless and in deep thoughts. They keep staring at one particular place and most times burst into tears. In some cases, you see them leaving the hall without writing nor even submitting.

Which group do you belong to??

See what robbers did to this student's hostel

A female computer science student of Delta state polytechnique Oghara who stayed off camp was robbed the very night she left school and went home for a short break. The morning after, she received a call from her neighbours that her hostel was robbed.
What she saw when she returned:


View of the hostel before robbery attack

Her laptop, TV, speakers, shoes, bags and some of her clothes were missing.
She said her ATM card which she left behind in school inorder for her not to spend too much when she get home was stolen, and the most painful part of it all was her getting a debit alert that all the money in her account has been withdrawn just when she was checking out the damaged hostel.
Young lady who was just about starting a business by selling weave ons and bags online said all the goods she bought and has even had buyers queuing up were stolen as well.
No one has been able to trace or have any clue on who the robbers were.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Son of Bayelsa state chief justice dies in swimming pool

Mr Wariebi who is the son of the Chief Justice of Bayelsa state was reportedly dead Last friday night at an undisclosed swimming pool in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja.
Mr Wariebi was a graduate of law and a student of the Nigerian law school in Abuja.
He was said to be a focused and promising young man.
However, the government Mr Seriake Dickson said he would collaborate with the police and other relevant agencies to unravel the real cause of the death.

Meet Usain Bolt's girlfriend and see why he kept their relationship a secret

Usain bolt, a 29-year-old Jamaica splinter and a nine-time Olympic gold medalist is dating 26-year-old Jamaica fashionista Kasi Bennett, from Jamaica town of Old Habour, who is very stunning, supportive and proud of him.

Bolt has been quiet about his relationship until he later disclosed that he decided to keep their coupling a secret, inorder to prevent people from attacking her or worse. Meanwhile he has been dating this uptown girl for three years.

ladies on danshiki...

Who rocked it more?
Lady 1 or 2??

One time 'destined kids' music group now grown up

Hmmm.. our very own 'destined kids'...
who remember them??

19 years old 100 level student stabbed his girlfriend for refusing to abort a 2 month old pregnancy she had for him

A nineteen year old boy Ade who is an 100 level student in a university in the southern western part of Nigeria, reportedly attempted to kill his girlfriend whom he met on facebook for refusing to abort a 2 month old pregnancy she had for him.

The incident took place at the girl's parents house where he stabbed her twice on her stomach and  on her throat, but luckily for her, her neighbours heard her scream and came to her rescue with one of her neighbour who is police man.
The boy claimed to have convinced her but she refused and her family on the other hand are very religious and so refused to allow her abort the pregnancy. He also said he did it so his parents would not be aware of it inorder not to disappoint them.

He went on to state that he got the idea to
kill her from google, which gave him different options but chose the idea to stab her amongst others.

The lady survived the attack and is currently in an intensive care unit with Doctors battling for her full recovery. While the boy is currently being detained in the police net at the state criminal investigation and intelligent department (SCIID) in Oyo state over an allerged murder attempt.

Christ embassy generator room explosion

One of the Christ embassy churches in Lagos experienced a fire outbreak. It started in the generator room when an heavy duty generator was put on. The fire lasted till mid night as the fire service were unable to quench the fire due to equipment malfunction.

Lucky enough, the fire didn't get to the church's main auditorium.

Stephanie Coker and Toke Makinwa. who is more eye-catching?

Stephanie Coker and Toke Makinwa are both lovely TV presenters, but who among them do you think is more attractive?

Lol... wat do u tink

see what happened to this guy as a result of homosexuality


what would you do?

An unknown guy walks up to you and say
I've met you five times
the first time I admired you
the second time I fell in love with you
the third time I planned talking to you
the fourth time 1 tried talking to you
and now is the fifth time. Can you be my girlfriend?

What will be your reaction/reply??

Little girl who bought her teacher a car as gift during an end of year celebration

A three year old girl, as an end of year gift bought her teacher a mecedes as a sign of gratitude.
The little girl whose name is Miss Al Faris' later disclosed that she was thankful to her teacher (identified as Miss Nadia) for helping her graduate from nursery school.
The father of the girl who bought the car later disclosed to the media that the teacher played a supportive role to his daughter after the loss of her mother

Pregnant woman caught stealing a 3 years old child in Anambra state

A 35 years old woman who is a mother of 5 children and is also pregnant was caught in the act when trying to steal a 3 years old boy in Anambra state.
According to the mother of the child whom she was about to steal, she said the woman came to her compound with two children asking for someone, and since she knew the person she sent her son to show her the place. But after a while her son didn't return so she ran out to look for him.
It was just when she was about trying to run away that they found out that the two boys she was with were also stolen, so they quickly alerted the community and a police man at Osid police station.
The other children were returned to their mothers and after questioning the woman she revealed that she steals and sells children to a child trafficking syndicate for N50,000 and led the police to a Doctor who runs a hospital in Asaba, Delta state that introduced her to the business. But when the Doctor was interrogated, he denied the alligation and stated he has only seen her once when she went for a blood test in his hospital.