Wednesday 24 August 2016

Man chained 28 people in his house

Police raided a man's house and found that he had 28 people chained inside, comprising 13 adults and 15 children, with shallow graves in his compound.

When the man was being interrogated by the police, he said he is an herbalist and the people chained inside the house were his patients who were all having mental disorder.
But contradicting to what he said, one of them was found having cancer.
He also said the graves in the compound are for burying the ones that died during treatment with the consent of their families.
As the area was swampy, the man allegedly buried some in the swamp and about three others in his house.

The cancer patient is currently undergoing treatment for the sores sustained in her legs where she was chained while the others were taken to a rehabilitation centre in Lagos.

However, it was assured that the police will get to the root of the matrer.

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